Paperless & Non-touch
- End to end paperless and non-touch
- Seamless appointments & approvals
- Self registration on visitor’s mobile
- Visitor gets E-pass on approval
- Reception scans E-pass to Check-in
- Visitor/Reception can Scan QR-code to check-out
- Visitor provides visit rating and feedback

Mobile App
- Create appointment
- View upcoming meetings
- Approve walk-in visitor
- Visitor Check-in Check-out
- View visitor status
- Visitor Self-registration
- Visitor Meeting request

QR Codes
- Appointment QR Code
- Visitor E-pass with QR Codes
- Check-in and Check-out by scanning QR Code
- Visitor self registration by scanning QR Code

Visitor Self registration
- Visitor Scans company QR Code, to start self-registration app
- Enters personal details
- Enters ID details <Aadhar, Passport, Visa, Driving License etc.>
- Selects host and meeting duration, purpose etc
- Selects Material <Laptop, mobile device details>
- Fills-in Self declaration
- Gets E-pass on approval

Visit Review & Visitor Feedback
- Visitor Scans company QR Code, to initiate Check-out
- Visit details are shown
- Thank-you message
- Request for rating and feedback
- Visitor Feedback log can be accessed by designated person

Visitor Safety training
- Visitor is shown company EHS (environment, health & safety) compliance video
- Visitor appears for a instant live test in preferred language to assess his/her EHS awareness
- Visitor pass can be generated only if visitor’s EHS awareness is above the required threshold More Details:

AI & predictive
- Host prediction for visitors while creating a meeting request
- Visitor prediction for Employees while creating appointments
- Host and Visitor rating based on behavioural aspects Security command & control center

Visitor Self-declaration & Questionnaire
- Define your own disclaimers and visitor questionnaire
- Visitor answers, confirms and agrees to all the terms and conditions
- Visitor response is captured and stored digitally
- Visitor response log can accessed by designated person

Instructions for visitor
- Define your own set of instruction for the visitors
- Visitors have to view and agree to the instructions while requesting for a visit
- Instructions can be printed on Epass

Whatsapp, SMS & Email integration
- Appointment notification
- Meeting Approval notification
- Visitor Arrival notification
- Visitor welcome notification
- Visitor Departure notification
- Visitor Overstaying notification

Security command & control center
- Today’s expected and departed visitors
- Walk-in visitors’ pass generation
- Visitor e-pass verification
- Visitor Check-in Check-out
- Visitors inside (overstaying)
- Broadcast emergency message
- Visitor log & history

Facial recognition
- Identify your visitors by face recognition technology
- Blacklist unwanted visitors
- Visitor self-registration by face recognition
- Quick E-pass generation for returning visitors

Aadhaar Card
- Scan and store visitor’s Aadhar-card
- Scan and autofill Aadhar card details

Active Directory integration
- Connect your Organisation active directory
- No need to create users in the application
- Login authentication by active directory
- Auto synch new employees, remove old employees

- Multi lingual UI
- English, Hindi, French, Chinese
- Resource files for adding new languages

Utilities & Reports
- User Defined Fields
- Data Import
- Visitor log
- Data export – PDF/Word/Excel
- Custom Email and SMS templates